Torrent Upload
Upload Rules

When uploading torrents to YourBittorrent please note that we do not allow copyrighted material to be uploadedand will immediately take it down if it comes to our attention that you have done so. Please respect the rules and if you stick to them then we can all live happily ever after.

Please make sure you upload content that belongs on torrent sites.
Keep the following in mind:
  • No scams, nor fake torrents! We know all the tricks, so don't try to find any loopholes.
  • No "you need a special codec" or "fill in a survey to get the password" torrents.
  • YourBittorrent is a public site. Passworded torrents and public sites don't go together. Don't password protect your content!
  • DHT & Private trackers. Again, YourBittorrent is a public torrent site. Private torrents don't belong here, so make sure your torrent has DHT enabled and is using public BitTorrent trackers.
  • Respect copyright! True, it's a torrent site, but that doesn't mean you should upload anything you want. Only upload torrents that contain your own material, or make sure that you are allowed to upload that material in your country.
If you do not stick to the rules then we will ban your IP! It's that simple.
Obviously, we will also remove the submitted material that doesn't comply with our guidelines.

Upload Form
Upload your torrent here:

Help needed? If you don't know how to make a torrent file, please check our partner's FAQ on How To Make a Torrent.