The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java

The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java
06/11/23 at 8:05pm GMT+1
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5 GB in 98 files

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  • The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java
  • icon 63 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/10. Data Structure - AVL Tree/3. Left-Left Condition (Insertion).srt 21 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/10. Data Structure - AVL Tree/4. Details of Rotation & 11.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/10. Data Structure - AVL Tree/8. Delete Node from AVL Tree (LL, LR, RL, RR Condition).srt 13.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/11. Data Structure - Trie/6. Delete 14.2 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/12. Algorithm - Searching/3. Binary Search 11.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/13. Algorithm - Sorting/1. Bubble 15 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/13. Algorithm - Sorting/2. Selection 11.6 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/13. Algorithm - Sorting/3. Insertion 18.9 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/13. Algorithm - Sorting/4. Bucket 10.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/13. Algorithm - Sorting/5. Merge 19 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/13. Algorithm - Sorting/6. Quick 23.6 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/13. Algorithm - Sorting/7. Heap 14.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/15. Data Structure - Hashing/1. What & Why is 10.2 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/15. Data Structure - Hashing/3. Hash 9.6 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/15. Data Structure - Hashing/4. Collision and Collison Resolution 26.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/15. Data Structure - Hashing/7. How HashMap Works 18.4 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/16. Algorithm - Dynamic Programming/1. What is Dynamic Programming & 11.5 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/16. Algorithm - Dynamic Programming/2. Top-Down 11.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/16. Algorithm - Dynamic Programming/4. Longest Increasing 23.6 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/16. Algorithm - Dynamic Programming/5. House 22 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/16. Algorithm - Dynamic Programming/6. Min Path 15.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/16. Algorithm - Dynamic Programming/7. Longest Common 15.9 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/16. Algorithm - Dynamic Programming/8. 01 Knapsack 20.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/16. Algorithm - Dynamic Programming/9. Regular Expression 27 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/1. What is Graph Data 9.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/10. BFS & DFS - Graph Traversal Techniques 38.4 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/13. Toplogical Sort 16 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/14. Topological Sort 22.5 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/17. Dijkstra Algorithm for SSSP 23.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/18. Why Dijstra Fail for Negative 9.7 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/2. Graph 11.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/20. Dijsktra VS Bellman Ford's Algorithm for SSSP 12.7 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/21. Bellman Ford's Algorithm & Nagative Cycle Detection for SSSP 26 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/25. Floyd Warshall Algorithm Dynamic Programming .mp4 122.2 MB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/25. Floyd Warshall Algorithm Dynamic Programming .srt 27.6 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/27. Prim's Algorithm -- Minimum Spanning Tree (MST).srt 26.5 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/28. Disjoint Set Data 36.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/30. Kruskal's Algorithm -- Minimum Spanning Tree (MST).mp4 152.9 MB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/30. Kruskal's Algorithm -- Minimum Spanning Tree (MST).srt 33 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/4. Graph Representation 2.6 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/6. Graph Representation using Adjacency Matrix (Undirected Graph).srt 31.2 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/7. Graph Representation using Adjacency Matrix (Directed Graph).srt 21.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/8. Graph Representation using Adjacency List (Unweighted Graph).srt 17.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/17. Data Structure - Graph/9. Graph Representation using Adjacency List (Weighted Graph).srt 14.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/2. Algorithm Run Time Analysis (Big O Notation)/1. What is Algorithm Runtime 10.2 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/2. Algorithm Run Time Analysis (Big O Notation)/2. Why should we learn algorithm run time 13.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/10.1 10.4 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/12. 1D Array Problem Remove Duplicates from Sorted 10.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/12.1 476 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/13. 2D Array Problem Rotate 13 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/13.1 867 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/14. 2D Array Problem Spiral 21.7 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/14.1 10.7 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/6.1 514 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/7. Searching Algorithms (Linear Search + Binary Search).srt 15.5 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/7.1 461 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/7.2 419 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/3. Data Structure - Array/9.1 574 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/12. Source Code for Circular Singly Linked List (CSLL).html 68 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/12.1 1.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/17. Source Code for Doubly Linked List (DLL).html 59 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/17.1 1.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/21. Deleting Node & Deleting Entire Linked List (Circular Doubly Linked List).srt 9.7 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/22. Source Code for Circular Doubly Linked List (CDLL).html 68 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/22.1 1.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/23. Linked List Problem Reverse a Singly Linked List -- Recursive 11.4 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/24. Linked List Problem Reverse a Singly Linked List -- Iterative 10.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/3.1 MySinglyLinkedList(Creation&Insertion).zip 703 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/4. Insertion (At Index, At Begining & At End) Operations in SSL(Singly LInked List).srt 12.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/4.1 970 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/4.2 MySinglyLinkedList(Insertion).zip 970 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/5.1 MySinglyLinkedList(TraversingSearching).zip 1.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/6.1 MySinglyLinkedList(DeletingNode&EntireLinkedList).zip 1.2 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/7. Source Code for Singly Linked List (SLL).html 106 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/4. Data Structure - Linked List/7.1 1.2 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/5. Data Structure - Stack/1. What is 9 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/5. Data Structure - Stack/10. Stack Problem Decode 23.8 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/5. Data Structure - Stack/3. Array - Create, Push & 11.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/6. Data Structure - Queue/3. Array - Linear 10.5 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/6. Data Structure - Queue/4. Source Code - Linear Queue Implementation using Array.html 64 B
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/6. Data Structure - Queue/5. Array - Circular 13.9 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/6. Data Structure - Queue/7. Linked List - Linear 10 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/11. Tree Traversal Techniques Inorder, Preorder & Postorder Traversal .mp4 125.8 MB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/11. Tree Traversal Techniques Inorder, Preorder & Postorder Traversal .srt 31.3 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/12. Preorder Traversal Details Recursive + Iterative .srt 28.4 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/13. Inorder Traversal Details Recursive + Iterative .srt 24.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/14. Postorder Traversal Details Recursive + Iterative .mp4 112.3 MB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/14. Postorder Traversal Details Recursive + Iterative .srt 23.4 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/15. Level Order Traversal Details Recursive + Iterative .srt 22.9 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/17. Create Binary Tree & Insert Value Array Implementation .srt 9.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/25.1 11.1 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/7. Create Binary Tree & Insert Value Linked List Implementation .srt 15.5 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/7. Data Structure - Binary Tree/9. Delete Value from Binary 22.4 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/8. Data Structure - Binary Search Tree (BST)/2. Creation & Insertion in 9.6 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/8. Data Structure - Binary Search Tree (BST)/5. Deletion Node in 12.7 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/9. Data Structure - Binary Heap/3. Insert into Binary 11.7 KB
    icon [] - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Java/9. Data Structure - Binary Heap/5. Extract 12.4 KB

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